Diana Beltran Herrera is a Spanish artist that likes to take inspiration for her work from everything, things like People, animals, Colours and shapes. The Images of her work below have all been made from card and glue.
This model is a good representation of a large bird, although I cannot tell what bird this is. The over lapping colours of card bring this model to life and create a feather Messy feather effect.
This swan model is very fluent and organic, Almost alive. Although it is not the most detailed model of the collection, it works well as a mix between minimalist and perfectionist piece.
This is an incredibly detailed model, so much so, on first glance it could be mistaken as real. the many layer of blue card create a very effective feather effect.
this model stands out in the way that had special shy card used in it. it creates a fresh look for the bird, and works really well with the dull card.